Formations agile pour booster votre efficacite

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26 August 2023

Professional Scrum Master (North America / Europe)

Virtual Zoom

A PROPOS DE LA FORMATION Le cours Professional Scrum Master (PSM) de deux jours couvre les principes et la théorie

26 August 2023

Professional Scrum Master

Virtual Zoom

A PROPOS DE LA FORMATION Le cours Professional Scrum Master (PSM) de deux jours couvre les principes et la théorie

14 October 2023

Professional Scrum Master training 14 October


Professional Scrum Master™ (PSM) is an interactive, activity-based course where students gain a  strong understanding of Professional Scrum and the role of

16 September 2023

Professional Scrum Master I

Virtual Zoom

Professional Scrum Master™ (PSM) is an interactive, activity-based course where students gain a  strong understanding of Professional Scrum and the role of

24 April 2023

Applying Professional Kanban Course

Virtual Zoom

About The Event This three-day (5 hours per day) course will give you an in-depth introduction to improving your team,

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